How it works

Make a Payment

Let's navigate through simple steps to ensure a secure and smooth payment process for you.

1. Log In

You need to complete the login process to verify your identity before proceeding with the payment.


2. My Appointments 

Click on the “My Appointments” button located at the top of your screen. Carefully review the details of your appointment before proceeding with the payment confirmation. Ensure that the time, date, and the name of the doctor match the information you were initially provided with. 


After that you can confirm the payment by clicking on the “Pay now” button. 


3. Enter Your Details

Click on the "Make Payment" button and enter your details: 


  • Cardholder Name: type in your Name and Surname that appears on the credit card
  • Card Number: type in your card number
  • Expiration date: type in the month and year appearing on the card
  • CVV/CVS: type in the numbers on the back of your card 


4. Make a Payment

Click on the “Pay” button. Once your payment has been successfully processed, you will receive an appointment confirmation via email.