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Сhild and adolescent neuropsychiatry

Сhild and adolescent neuropsychiatry

Pediatric and adolescent neuropsychiatry specialists provide expert care for children and adolescents (children 0-11, adolescent 12-18) with a wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders, including ADHD, autism, and depression.
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Experts from all medical fields in one place

Differential diagnosis of seizures
Treatment of epilepsies in children and adolescents with a focus on difficult-to-treat epilepsies
Testing drug resistance to therapy
Rare and complex epilepsies with pharmacoresistance
Pre-surgical epilepsy diagnostics and surgical epilepsy therapy (curative and palliative)
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS)
Ketogenic nutritional therapies
Neurocutaneous diseases (tuberous sclerosis / Sturge Weber syndrome / overgrowth syndrome...)
Epilepsy monitoring unit. )
Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (intensive video-EEG long-term monitoring with scalp and invasive electrodes)
Follow-up care and planning of rehabilitation after epilepsy surgery